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Five Ways You Can Advocate for Women in STEM Today

Leading up to SWE’s Congressional Visit Days in March, we will be sharing tips and ideas for how you can advocate for the rights of women and girls in STEM.
Washington Update: Looking Forward To 2017

The advocacy of engineers around diversity and inclusion in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce is critical. Within the United States, many find engaging with elected officials intimidating, yet these individuals are public employees that are responsible to the people of this country. Want to learn more about how to be an advocate for women and girls in STEM? Check out these SWE Resources:

  1. Engage with the SWE Advocacy 101 and Advocacy 201 Education Modules.

These module helps SWE members learn how to vocalize their passions and share their support of SWE in their community. The second module goes into greater depth with the work of SWE’s Governmental Relations and Public Policy (GRPP) Committee. Both are excellent resources for newcomers to general advocacy work.

  1. Contact Your Elected Officials with SWE’s Legislative Action Center.

Use this resource to learn the names of your nationally elected officials. There are also tools and suggested language you can use to communicate with your elected officials. Consider setting a monthly or quarterly calendar reminder to visit the SWE’s Legislative Action Center and contact your elected officials. Remember:

  • While sending an email is good, calling is better.
  • While calling once is good, calling regularly is better.
  • While calling is good, setting up a meeting (in your state or in DC) is better.
  1. Register to Attend SWE Congressional Visit Days in Washington, DC. “Diversity and Inclusion Fuels Innovation in STEM” is the theme of this event and you can learn more about it in FY17 SWE President Jessica Rannow’s recent blog post on AllTogether. Registration is now open and available via this link. Space is very limited. The event will take place on March 15-16, 2017.
  1. View the SWE’s 2016 Webinar entitled, “Local Advocacy and Public Policy Issues Related to Women in STEM” to learn about the history of SWE’s advocacy efforts, the current work of SWE’s Governmental Relations and Public Policy (GRPP) Committee, and recent issues that impact women in STEM.
  1. Learn More About Recent Advocacy Efforts by SWE:


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