SWE’s #GivingTuesday Campaign Features Mary T. Zeis and K-12 Outreach / SWENext

Leading up to #GivingTuesday on November 28, 2017, SWE is featuring SWE programs and donors. Today, we are pleased to feature Mary T. Zeis and K-12 Outreach / SWENext!
Swe Kicks Off Giving Tuesday Campaign With Colleen Layman

Swe’s #givingtuesday Campaign Features Mary T. Zeis And K-12 Outreach / Swenext

About #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday was November 28, 2017. Thanks to a generous anonymous matching donation, SWE’s Board of Directors and Leadership, and SWE’s members and donors, we raised $13,190 yesterday! This exceeded our goal of $10,000 and is, by far, our most successful #GivingTuesday to date!

Donate to SWE here.

About the SWE’s K-12 Outreach /SWENext

SWE is committed to supporting women at all stages of their careers, from those in grades K-12, college, the workplace, and beyond. We have recently increased our efforts to spark an interest in engineering and technology for girls through the SWENext program.

SWENext is a way to become part of the Society of Women Engineers before college, for students 18 years and younger. Students can join here for free! Currently, there are over 3,500 SWENext members, over 1,000 SWENext alumni, and over 100 SWENext clubs around the country. To learn more about our K-12 Outreach / SWENext programming, visit swenext.swe.org and these links:

About Mary T. Zeis

Mary Zeis
Mary Zeis

Mary T. Zeis is a SWE Life Member.  She worked for Procter & Gamble for 31 years in Research & Development before retiring.  She is currently working part-time as an Expert Consultant at Your Encore.  At SWE, Mary recently served as the Chair of the K-12 Outreach Committee. She has also contributed to SWE at the global level by serving as the Outreach Assessment Work Group Lead and judging both scholarship and award applications. At her local section, the SWE Pittsburgh Section, Mary has been active leading, organizing, and supporting local K-12 Outreach, collegiate, and professional development activities. In addition to serving as a leader to promote and enhance SWE’s K-12 Outreach work at both the global and local level, Mary regularly volunteers at various in-person SWE K-12 Outreach programs. She gives back to the K-12 Outreach / SWENext programming to encourage more girls to consider a career in engineering and technology. Thank you so much, Mary, for investing in the lives of so many girls in SWE!

Thank you to FY17 (7/1/2016 – 6/30/2017) K-12 Outreach / SWENext Donors:

Alex Greenough
Alicia Courtney
Amanda Thompson Meza
Ann Wright
Barbara J Brockett
Brett Howard
Cameron Koehler
Carolyn A. Fazzolari
Carrie Carter
Catherine Weitenbeck
Chelsea Michelle Powell
Chelsea Ziu
Christopher Kretz
Colleen Tallman Fitzgerald
Cynthia Jensen-McMullin
Danielle Marie Cope
Daryl L. Farley Varney
Debra A. Jones
Dylan Brown
Emily Sportsman
Gail Barsky
Gwenne A. Henricks
Heather Scaringella
James McGhee
Jane L. Driscoll
Jared Hepp
Jenn Carroll
Jessica L. Asay
Jodilyn A. Peck
Joseph Keller
Katharine Leonard
Katherine J.L. William
Kayleen L. E. Helms
Kristin P. Sroka
Kristina Mariah George
Lorraine M Herger
Lydia Lazurenko
Lynn M Granger
Mary T. Zeis
Mary-Helen Douglas
May C. Kung
Mike & Beth Parey
Nicholas M. Donofrio
Nicolas Spoentgen
Samuel Bondurant
Sara Marchese
Sean Nalty
Serene Mirkis
Shannon Marlece Vittur
Suzanna L. Cottrell Olsen
Tara Goldberg
Terri Sue Matthews
Timothy Krentz
Vicky Shaw


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