SWE Staff Spotlight: Carol Polakowski

Each month, the Society of Women Engineers puts the spotlight on one of our valued staff members. For June, we feature Carol Polakowski.
Swe Staff Spotlight: Carol Polakowski

Carol Polakowski, senior editor of SWE Magazine, joined the Society in 2007. Her experience as an editor, copy editor and proofreader covers a spectrum that includes roles with a daily metropolitan newspaper, a nonprofit for scientists and engineers, a news wire service, a medical publisher and an advertising firm. Carol holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism, with an English minor, from Kent State University. She received her degree at age 40 after a 20-year career as a secretary/administrative assistant.

Where do you live…did you grow up in the Chicagoland area?
I was born in Wooster, Ohio, a town of about 27,000 in northeast Ohio. I moved to the Cleveland area 20 years ago and now live in Lyndhurst, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb.

Who is your role model and why?
Definitely my mom. She’s 84 and still works full time at a small liberal arts college. I admire her ability to relate to people of all ages and backgrounds and to stay calm in almost any situation and come up with great solutions to problems. She doesn’t let her age define her or hold her back. She is always looking forward and thinking of more things she wants to accomplish!

What is your favorite hobby/hobbies?
I love reading, writing, running, gardening, and spending time with family and friends. I also thoroughly enjoy basking (i.e., being lazy) on my deck and in my backyard.

Favorite band or type of music?
I will listen to just about anything, but my favorites are classic rock and contemporary instrumental.

Cubs or Sox?
Cleveland Indians!

Favorite sports team?
Still loyal to the Cleveland Cavs. : )

Do you have a vice?
Starbucks vanilla lattes. And coffee frappuccinos. And…I have so many more. : )

First celebrity crush?
OK, I am going to divulge something very personal here: When I was 3 or 4, I had a huge crush on the cartoon character Dudley Do-Right.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
My favorite aspect of my job is seeing the conceptualization of an idea evolve into a meaningful final story, complete with images that capture and complement it perfectly.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Darcy Andersen.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Sinead Gaffney.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Camryn Wagner.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Trish Kolar.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Angelica Beresheim.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Rebecca Wheeler.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Honna Eichler George.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Briana Aviles.

Read our SWE Staff Spotlight on Valerie Bland.


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