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2020 Online Learning Lineup

SWE has a number of online learning courses, on-demand presentations, and videos that are extremely useful for SWE members. Take a look below and find a number of interesting online learning resources.
2020 Online Learning Lineup


Building Section Membership

Your section would not exist without members. Having strong membership numbers is a critical part of section vitality. This course will walk you through the SWE Membership Building Strategy – an important cycle that allows sections to build and retain their membership numbers, based on research and planning.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify and analyze current and potential member segments of your section.
  • Fill out a Membership Building Worksheet.
  • Outline strategies to recruit members based on a Membership Building Worksheet.
  • Outline strategies to retain members based on a Membership Building Worksheet.

Fund Development and Your SWE Section

Raising money is not always easy – but it is a crucial piece of SWE section vitality. This course was designed to help section leaders at any stage of their SWE career master basic concepts of fund development.

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Examine the state of your section’s fund development through self-reflection questions and budget analysis.
  • Describe each step of the Fund Development Cycle, and identify resources to help your section complete each step

Introduction to SWE’s Leadership Competency Model

This course provides an introduction to SWE’s Leadership Competency Model. After participating in this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the six SWE leadership competencies and the purpose of the model
  • Describe the SWE leadership positions for which the model is used
  • Recognize the available SWE resources that can be used to create your leadership development plan

Newly-Added On-Demand Presentations

Responding to Leadership Challenges in Real Time

The world is dynamic and, as students enter the STEM workforce, they must develop flexible leadership abilities. As young engineers with fresh perspectives, SWE collegiate members have a valuable opportunity to find solutions to humanity’s great challenges. This session will discuss how you can build your leadership skills to respond to new and complex challenges, work collaboratively in a dynamic environment with innovative technology and human resource requirements, and to leverage your engineering know-how to contribute value to your team, organization, and ecosystem. 

Navigating Unconscious Bias in Academia

Unconscious bias impacts the success of women in academia from the undergraduate and graduate level to the role of faculty member, researcher and administrator. This webinar will discuss a number of types of bias and their impact, as well as present research-based strategies for successfully navigating around these issues.

Best Practices for Finding and Keeping a Mentor

It is well-known that having a mentor is an efficient and rewarding tool for navigating one’s career path – but structuring a relationship with a mentor is not easy or automatic. Building a successful mentorship relationship takes planning, maintenance and diligence.  Join SWE for a web session on the basics of how to establish and get the most out of a mentorship relationship.

Best Practices for Being a Super Mentor

Many successful professionals have benefitted from having a mentor and the benefits of having a mentor are well-known and well-documented.  However, we don’t often hear about the other side of this relationship. What are the personal and career benefits of being a mentor? This 45-minute webinar will teach participants the skills to be a great mentor, including finding the right match, balancing listening with advising, serving as a sponsor as well as a mentor, and other skills.

Leadership Career Paths Within Academia

Academia (both within and external to one’s own institution) provides interested faculty with several leadership opportunities. Understanding common leadership career paths, desired gateway skills and experiences of future leaders, as well as successful strategies to employ upon assuming a leadership position are all valuable for those wanting to move into leadership roles. This session will cover these topics, as well as the importance of clarifying one’s own personal leadership motivation and style together with common issues for women in leadership roles, to help demystify the academic leadership career path.

Modern Networking in the Social Age

You can never be too connected in the 21st century.  Professional relationships can help you discover job opportunities and client leads and learn about trends in your industry. Conferences are important places to build these relationships; however, oftentimes at events you’ll find that you do not have adequate time or opportunity to network. Learn how to set yourself up for success when networking in-person and through social media.

In this three-part series, you will learn how to:

  • Define your personal brand
  • Leverage your brand via LinkedIn
  • Combine online and offline networking


  • SWE Blog

    SWE Blog provides up-to-date information and news about the Society and how our members are making a difference every day. You’ll find stories about SWE members, engineering, technology, and other STEM-related topics.
