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On Engineering in Crisis from India: Reinventing Your Lifestyle

Over the next few weeks, we invite you to join us for a short-form blog series on how SWE Members are navigating the world amidst COVID19.
On Engineering In Crisis From India: Reinventing Your Lifestyle

Today, we are pleased to feature Riya Thakkar Shah from Bengaluru, India. These blogs will showcase how different SWE members are engineering their lives during this fluid and ever-changing environment.

Want to be featured? Submit your engineering in crisis story here.

Your Name & Affiliation: Riya Thakkar Shah from Bengaluru Affiliate 

Engineering Discipline: Computer Engineering


How do you handle stress and maintain a work-life balance right now?

Above and beyond my office and housework, I strive for a balanced routine by including activities that ensure my physical and mental fitness. To name a few, they are meditation, Surya namaskar, prayers, reading, and writing.

Do you have any tips for studying or working from home? 

I have three tips for working from home effectively. These include planning your office day well in advance, having a dedicated working space, and participating in cross-functional tasks that keep you engaged.

How do you maintain community with your fellow SWE members, section, or affiliate?

I regularly interact with my SWE mentor and get inspired by her hustle every time I talk to her. Also, I am in touch with fellow SWEsters through varied social media platforms. However, I will miss attending the SWE Conference this year. Therefore, I am including a picture from WE Local 2018.

On Engineering In Crisis From India: Reinventing Your Lifestyle

Engineers will be part of the critical solution to the global crisis created by COVID19. How are you engineering in crisis today?

I believe each one of us can play a major role in this crisis. Here are the top three ways in which I am engineering this crisis:

  1. Thinking about the solution rather than the problem.
  2. Reinventing ways of my lifestyle since this is a new normal now!
  3. Learning to tap into my creative mind space more often than before.

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