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PRIDE Month – Support Groups and Organizations Discussion

As part of PRIDE Month celebration, the LGBTQ+ and Allies Affinity Group discussed with their members the importance of support groups and organizations geared to the LGBTQ+ community and their authenticity.
PRIDE Month Membership Spotlight: Part 1 - PRIDE Month

What does LGBTQ+ support groups, like our AG and other organizations, contribute to you and your authenticity?


“Personally, it’s allowed me to work on some of the internalized hate I have towards myself as a bisexual individual. Out4Undergrad helped me realize a lot of this and give it a name, while support groups like this group and others have allowed me to not hate myself for having these issues and become fully comfortable in a way I wasn’t before.” – Natalie Hahn (She/Her)

“Local LGBTQ+ Support groups in general gave me access to resources and allowed me to build a chosen family with whom I would not have been able to get by. Support groups within my company allowed me to help bring about change in the work environment and advocate for things like equality in covered benefits. Getting involved with professional Women’s groups (like SWE) allow for a variety of networking and general life opportunities surrounded by a shared love of technology; and be seen for who we truly are. Being involved with groups like this one specifically gives us a voice to discuss things like this. All together, they combine to provide us opportunities to live an open and authentic life.” – Christine Penn (She/Her)

“This AG and my LGBTQ+ ERG (employee resource group) at work have given me a safe space to discuss very important topics. They have also given me great ideas that I have been able to implement in my daily life to promote a more inclusive environment at work and beyond!” – Danielle Elizabeth Schroeder (She/Her)

“These spaces are important to me for two reasons. First, I want to give back to my community and help as many people as possible. Our SWE LGBTQ+ and Allies Affinity Group, and Out for Undergrad, give me the space and tools to provide that help, and to advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. Second, these organizations give me the opportunity to meet people, find mentors, mentees, and friends. Creating relationships and a sense of community within these groups are one of the biggest reasons of why I can be my authentic self.”  – Francine Reyes Vega (She/Her)

SWE acknowledges that the observation of Pride Month in June is in accordance with a United States tradition and that LGBTQ+ history and culture are celebrated at many different times throughout the year across the globe.


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