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Request: Update Your Magazine Subscription, Address, Communication Preferences & Demographic Information

Update your SWE data in 2022!
Request: Update Your Magazine Subscription, Address, Communication Preferences & Demographic Information -

Take Action to get a Print Edition of the SWE Magazine: Deadline July 30, 2022

Due to the amount of returned mail due to inaccurate addresses in our database, SWE is requesting all members within the United States to re-confirm their mailing address and check the “OPT IN SWE Magazine” button.

Note: ALL SWE members have been unsubscribed from the print edition of the magazine. To continue to get a print edition, you must follow the instructions below. Those who do not check this will receive an emailed electronic version.

Update your mailing and communication preferences:

  • Both mailing address and communication preferences are on the main page of the SWE Profile after members login. To access this page, Login to Your SWE Profile.
  • Click “Change” in the Address Information section to update your address and then click “Save.”
  • To receive a print version of the SWE Magazine, click “Change” in the Communication Preferences section, check “Opt In SWE Magazine,” and then click “Save.”

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Sign-up for Affinity Group Emails

SWE Members can use this opportunity to opt in to receive occasional emails with information from one of the many SWE Affinity Groups. This is also done in the Communication Preferences portion of the Member Profile.

Update Your Demographic Information

SWE is committed to tracking key information about its members that helps us understand the diversity of our membership and leadership. Please take a moment to update any portions of your demographic information you feel comfortable sharing with SWE. SWE only publishes this information in the aggerate and will never share your personal demographic information.

Need help?

If you need help updating your address or want us to assist you, please email


  • SWE Blog

    SWE Blog provides up-to-date information and news about the Society and how our members are making a difference every day. You’ll find stories about SWE members, engineering, technology, and other STEM-related topics.
