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Learn More About GradSWE, a SWE Affinity Group!

Each month throughout the year, we spotlight a SWE Affinity Group. We are excited to highlight SWE's GradSWE Community Affinity Group!
Meet the GradSWE Affinity Group

The GradSWE Affinity Group brings together graduate students from diverse STEM backgrounds and provides opportunities to strengthen the community. The team, led by Karen DSouza, a fourth-year computer science Ph.D. student at Purdue University, is proud to introduce new events that support SWE’s mission to empower women at the university level.

We are initiating a broad range of networking events to enhance your academic, professional, and social network during your graduate program. New this year, the themes are broadly divided into these three categories — social connections, academic enrichment, and interdisciplinary collaborations.

Social connections is a fun, informal event where students can relax and take a much-needed break from studies while promoting their mental health. We often have tough, demanding schedules. Attend this event to share experiences, challenges, and successes that increase our motivation.

Attend our academic enrichment to gain deeper insights into industry, research, and technological advancements. We aim to inspire you with content about the newest approaches to developing practical skills in machine learning, programming languages, and other frameworks.

Our interdisciplinary collaborations sessions will encourage members to broaden their perspectives in interdisciplinary areas and grow in their chosen majors. We tackle topics like: how do engineers act as critical links on a team or what does a collaborative interdisciplinary team look like.

If you are looking to start a GradSWE student-led club at your university or to find resources to support an existing GradSWE student-led club, attend our monthly coffee chats. These events are hosted every third Tuesday or Thursday evening. Make new friends and reconnect with old ones!

If you are interested in joining our community, follow us on Facebook and join our Slack group! You can also subscribe to our AG’s updates by logging into your member portal and editing your Communication Preferences.


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