Looking to Be a SWE Mentor? Here’s Your Opportunity.

AdvocacyMake an Impact by Becoming a SWE Mentor

The Collegiate Leadership Institute (CLI) is seeking mentors who are interested in mentoring a collegiate from September 2016 – May 2017. Qualified participants must apply by August 1.

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” ― Steven Spielberg

Profile of Mentor:

  • Minimum of 2 years of work experience with an engineering background
  • Passion for and history of mentoring younger women
  • Working knowledge of current trends in leadership development


  • Communicate via email monthly and by phone at least 4-6 times during the year
  • Participate in the CLI LinkedIn Group (we will send you a link once you are accepted)
  • Provide SWE with feedback on how to expand and improve the program

Apply to be a mentor to a SWE collegiate today!

Collegiate Leadership Institute

CLI is a three-day program with highly interactive sessions. It provides advanced training on how to professionally engage in the workforce, tips on work/life balance as well as best practices for interviewing and job hunting. Speakers and facilitators are noted experts in leadership and career development.

SWE is hosting the CLI at WE16, October 27-29 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.