Connecting with SWE: Try a Partnership

Want to expand your outreach? Consider partnering with another section or two! That’s what the sections in Colorado State University and Rocky Mountain did for their Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day event last year.
Connecting with SWE: Try a Partnership - partnership

Want to expand your outreach? Consider partnering with another section or two! That’s what the sections in Colorado State University and Rocky Mountain did for their Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day event last year. With their combined resources, they were able to host more than 60 middle school girls and more than 20 adult advocates in hands-on workshops, demonstrations, presentations, and panel discussions. They even worked in a Parent and Educator program!

By pairing small groups of girls with both professional and collegiate role models, they were able to keep participants engaged and having fun. As the group mentions in their post-event report, “working with other student organizations is a great way to find activities for the participants to do.”

Want to know how you can find other sections in your area? Check out the Collaboration Guide here!

And do not forget to record your event in the Outreach Metric Tool! This is a great way to share what worked, what did not, and anything else about your event. You can find the OMT here.


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