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Your Insider Guide to SWE Finances: Fundraising

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Your Insider Guide to SWE Finances: Transitions - SWE finances

The purpose of SWE is stated in one sentence. Empower women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion.

In pursuit of these goals, the Society and our sections fundraise. The point of this fundraising should always be to execute actions and events that advance women in the engineering field. Every section is encouraged to raise funds. You are encouraged to be creative. The list of things to do are endless and we touch on a few in a recorded training on SWE’s Advance Learning Center.

Finance Committee – Society of Women Engineers (

Of all the things that sections do, fundraising is typically the most neglected. Have a bake sale, sell merchandise at SWE events, or partner with local businesses. Put together a plan and try it. Sometimes you won’t meet your goals; you can’t figure out what works until you try. That is probably the hardest part to overcome. Not getting a donation is not a failure, it is an opportunity to start a conversation. Keep the door open and you never know what will happen in the future. This is an area where networking within the organization can be very helpful. Ask around about how other sections get this done and you will not be disappointed in the ideas and creativity SWE members exhibit.

There are too many things to touch on for one blog post, but we would like to cover two areas that we think are under-used. The first is the SWE professional development grant program. The Society has a grant program that awards micro-grants frequently throughout the year. Get onto the website and take a look at the requirements. If you have an event you want to fund, this is a great resource.

The second point is about how we thank and deliver for those people and businesses who have been generous. Always write a timely and sincere thank you note. Remind them what you will use their donation for to further women in engineering. It should include enough information so that the donors can use the note to document their donation on their taxes.

The finance committee has a handbook they update that covers much of what we discuss in this blog. It is rather lengthy. For information on fundraising see Section VIII Part A of the SWE Finance Manual. As always, get on the finance help desk if you have questions or concerns.

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