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4 Communication Techniques to Expand Your Influence and Optimize Your Impact

Maryanne O’Brien shares four communication techniques to help engineers succeed. Plus, join her upcoming free live event, “Elevate Your Impact: Communicate with More Clarity and Confidence,” in SWE's Advance Learning Center on May 29!
Maryanne O'Brien header image - 4 Communication Techniques to Expand Your Influence and Optimize Your Impact

In the engineering field, effective communication is as crucial as technical expertise. It simply doesn’t matter how smart you are if you can’t communicate clearly and confidently.  Honing your communication skills can significantly expand your influence and maximize your impact, especially in traditionally male-dominated arenas.

Here are four essential techniques to help you succeed.

1. Understand and Flex Your Communication Style

Self-awareness is the foundation of effective communication. Do you know how you come across and impact others? Are you direct and to the point? Or do you hesitate to speak up and avoid conflict? Becoming aware of your style and adapting to your audience will help you to build better connections.

Discover Your Communication Style:

  • Take a Style Assessment: Identify how you communicate at work by completing this communication style assessment. Are you expressive, reserved, direct, or harmonious?
  • Play to Your Strengths: Look for ways to leverage your style’s strengths to build rapport and effectively deliver your message.
  • Flex Your Style: Learn how to flex your style to bridge style tensions and genuinely connect. Working with someone who is direct or reserved? Stay on task, be clear, and succinct. Connecting with someone who is expressive or harmonious? Tell a story, take time to personally connect, and let them know how you feel.

2. Learn to Listen

We all want to feel heard, but very few of us are actually great listeners. Listening is crucial for understanding others and building trust. It involves being present, staying open to new ideas, and responding thoughtfully.

Practice Listening:

  • Remove Distractions: Put your phone away, silence notifications, and be present.
  • Avoid Interrupting: Let the speaker finish their thoughts before you respond.
  • Quiet Your Inner Dialogue: Watch for tuning out or forming your response while people are still trying to convey theirs.

3. Use Clear and Concise Language

In engineering, clarity is paramount. Avoid jargon and make your points as clear and concise as possible, without losing your humanity. Clear communication reduces misunderstandings and ensures that your ideas are effectively conveyed, and a dash of wit or charm works wonders.

Pointers for Clear Communication:

  • Simplify Complex Ideas: Break down technical terms into simple concepts.
  • Be Direct: Get to the point without unnecessary elaboration
  • Use Visual Aids: Diagrams and charts can effectively convey complex information.

4. Be Assertive Without Being Aggressive

Assertiveness is about expressing your thoughts and needs respectfully and directly. Confidently set boundaries and advocate for yourself without bulldozing. Being assertive helps you maintain professional boundaries and ensures your voice is heard.

Simple Strategies:

  • Avoid Emotional Language: Frame your points based upon your experience. For example, “My experience tells me that…” instead of “I feel that…”
  • Take a Breath: A simple breath will help you to stay calm under pressure and choose your response, instead of reacting and saying things you’ll regret.
  • Practice Saying No: Politely decline requests that would overextend you to ensure you can maintain the quality of your work.

These techniques and strategies will help you to communicate more effectively and build better relationships. However, they only work when they are applied. So, get started today and watch your influence expand!

Maryanne O’Brien’s live event, “Elevate Your Impact: Communicate with More Clarity and Confidence,” takes place on Wednesday, May 29, 10-11 a.m. CT. The session is free for SWE members, and Maryanne will provide reflection exercises, tips, techniques, and direction for creating a daily practice to build stronger communication skills. Register today to reserve your spot!


  • Maryanne O'Brien

    Maryanne O’Brien, CEO and founder of Conscious Company and author of “The Elevated Communicator,” has decades of experience guiding people, teams, and organizations to communicate effectively, build trust, and create a positive impact. Her journey through advertising, strategic consulting, professional development, and executive coaching has underscored the need for authentic leadership, intentional communication, and healthy organizational cultures.

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