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Women Engineers in Government Contractor Careers Affinity Group

Learn more about SWE’s new Women Engineers in Government Contractor Careers (WEgcc) Affinity Group

The SWE Women Engineers in Government Contractor Careers Affinity Group (WEgcc AG) informally started in November 2022 as our leaders searched for ways to connect with other women in engineering at government-owned, contractor-operated facilities. This group is particularly unique in the opportunities, challenges, and growth paths that face employees, combining attributes seen in the industry and public sectors, and academia, as well as forming some aggregate of these traits that wasn’t well-represented by any singular group. Because government contractors and consultants work at these intersections between the federal government, academia, and industry, it’s not uncommon for this group to feel excluded on all sides.

The mission of the WEgcc AG is to connect the community of women working in government contractor careers and provide support, engagement, and encouragement to all professionals working in engineering and technology at government-adjacent institutions. The WEgcc AG aims to provide support to all of its members in the form of networking, mentoring, and expanded access to SWE’s resources. Ultimately, the goal of the WEgcc AG is to build an integrated network of government-adjacent (contractors, consultants, and the like) engineering professionals committed to the growth and development of themselves, fellow members, and their broader communities. The WEgcc AG falls under the Business & Interests Affinity Group umbrella.

What Are Our Goals?

  • Strategic Goal #1 ― Advocacy & Collaboration
    • The WEgcc AG aims to strengthen inclusion and retention of members by connecting government consulting and contractor sites, increasing opportunities for mentoring and networking across institutions, and supporting the various institutional missions.
  • Strategic Goal #2 ― Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
    • The WEgcc AG will champion intersectional diversity by modeling inclusive and equitable environments. WEgcc AG leadership will call for multifaceted representation with no discrimination of any members interested in joining.
  • Strategic Goal #3 ― Globalization
    • The WEgcc AG is an inclusive group, and membership is open to all people regardless of career stage or affiliation.
  • Strategic Goal #4 ― Professional Growth & Excellence
    • The WEgcc AG will serve as a resource across a broad range of institutions, focusing on bringing together engineering professionals seeking to grow their network, as well as providing guidance to those seeking to join and further promote their employer’s mission.

How Can I Join?

The leaders of SWE’s Women Engineers in Government Contractor Careers are Charli Strong (she/her/hers), Courtney Clark (she/her/hers) and Meagan Wheeler (she/her/hers). All of our leads would be more than happy to answer any questions and/or help you get connected with the WEgcc AG, so please send us a message. To connect with us, please join our mailing list using the Communication Preferences in your member portal. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.



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