Real Partners of SWE: Jeremy Fobes

He’s stuffed envelopes for section mailings, schlepped boxes of supplies for outreach events, reviewed presentations for me, reminded me to get sleep at SWE events, and just generally supported me through it all.
Real Partners Of Swe: Jeremy Fobes

For Valentine’s Day, SWE members are recognizing their husbands and other loved ones for all of the support they give to help women engineers succeed. If you have a supportive significant other, please tell us all about it using the hashtag #VDay2017 and tag us @SWEtalk.

By Heather Doty

Jeremy Robes and Heather Doty at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA.

I was president of the Rocky Mountain Section and running for Region i Governor when my husband, Jeremy Fobes, and I started dating, so obviously he figured out almost immediately how much I value this organization.  SWE business or SWE friendships have been the impetus for many of our travels together.  In fact, one of our first vacations together was planned around a SWE friend’s wedding… and we subsequently got engaged on the same trip!  I think he really started to understand that SWEsters are family when I insisted on a SWE photo at our own wedding.


Jeremy has enjoyed a variety of SWE activities with me, including awards banquets and networking events with my local section, casino night and dueling pianos at a Region i conference, the awards banquet at the Region G conference at the Ohio State football stadium, the botanical gardens at FY15 SWE President Colleen Layman’s installation.  He was especially excited to finally attend an annual conference and get to experience the dance party following WE16.  No really, ask the SWE friends who attended the aforementioned weddings… Jeremy is a dancing machine.  Beyond conference activities, Jeremy’s formed his own SWE network, checking out local sites, breweries, golf courses, and casinos with other husbands of SWE on all of these trips.

Real Partners Of Swe: Jeremy FobesHe saves up the episodes of the television shows that he likes (but knows that I don’t care for) to watch when I’m on SWE travel without him or just on a conference call upstairs.  He’s stuffed envelopes for section mailings, schlepped boxes of supplies for the Rocky Mountain Section’s Girls Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math outreach event for 1000+ middle school girls, reviewed presentations for me, reminded me to actually get a reasonable amount of sleep at SWE events (not that I always listen!), and just generally supported me through it all.

Real Partners of SWE: David Bierman

Real Partners of SWE: Robert Morikawa

