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SWENext Club Spotlight: Ralston Valley SWENext

While the Ralston Valley High School SWENext Club is only two years old, they’ve accomplished a lot! The club members have implemented sustainability initiatives in their community, won a SWENext Design Challenge, and pivoted to virtual programming to engage their members while learning at home.
Swenext Club Spotlight: Ralston Valley Swenext

Ralston Valley SWENext

SWENexters at Ralston Valley High School are making positive impacts in their community! Ralston Valley SWENext has nine members from 9th to 12th grade. Their club was founded in March 2019 with the help of their engineering teacher. Right after the club was founded, they immediately entered a SWENext Design Challenge, which they found to be an awesome way to get their club up and running!

SWENexters from Ralston ValleyRalston Valley SWENext has exemplified their passion for sustainability in many of their events. They placed dog waste stations throughout their community that provide paper bags instead of plastic as an eco-friendlier alternative. They also organized a litter clean-up event in their neighborhood. In addition to all of this, they share environmental principles at their outreach events. For example, they visited a local elementary school to help them make new paper out of recycled paper scraps. Ralston Valley SWENexters are truly making great impacts on the planet by demonstrating their commitment to sustainability!

During the pandemic, Ralston Valley SWENext has successfully transferred to virtual programming. In April, they joined a video chat with collegiate SWE members. The chat focused on college decision making, but the SWENexters also enjoyed hearing about the college students’ various SWE events. It was also a wonderful opportunity for the freshmen and sophomore SWENexters to learn about the different types of engineering. Ralston Valley students felt that they greatly benefited from this virtual event!

In the future, Ralston Valley hopes to hold a STEM escape room event for younger students! We can’t wait to see what they accomplish next!

If you are interested in starting a SWENext Club or just want to learn more, email

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