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Former Math and Comp Sci Teacher Helps Others Advance at NSA

Christina S.’s love of math and computers took her from gaming on a Commodore 64, to teaching, to a successful career as Deputy Director of the Computer Science Skill Community at NSA, where she coaches, mentors and offers professional development opportunities. Read more about her career journey.

Since joining the National Security Agency (NSA), Christina S. has worked on a list of projects that would excite any security-minded computer scientist.

Vulnerability analysis, cryptanalysis, software reverse engineering, malware analysis – she’s covered it all, including technical research where the self-described mathematics lover applied static analysis to detect data leaks in Android applications.

But the 19-year NSA veteran didn’t stop there, especially not when the Center for Strategic Intelligence Research called her name.

“I had the wonderful opportunity to be a 2009 Center for Strategic Intelligence Research Fellow at the National Defense Intelligence College where I researched the application of graph theory to analyze the security of a software system.”

Today, Christina is the Deputy Director of the Computer Science Skill Community, a position that allows her to coach, mentor and provide professional development opportunities to other computer scientists.

“Employees come to me to help them advance their careers,” she explains. “I help them improve their knowledge and skills to prepare for their next position.”

She also mentors school children to help improve their skills, an activity that has its roots at North Carolina A&T, where Christina pledged Delta Sigma Theta.

“My sorority sisters and I embraced the commitment to public service and improving the way of life for the community around us,” she says.

Today, her public service includes volunteering as a middle school and high school tutor, judging science fairs, and visiting colleges to give talks, review resumes and serve in hackathon events.

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