SWE Senate Strategic Planning Sub-Team Findings and Recommendations

This week, the SWE Senate is providing updates on the progress of their goals and initiatives for the year. Read on to discover what the Strategic Planning Sub-Team has been up to.
Swe Senate Series: Get To Know The Strategic Planning Sub-team

Early this year, each of the Senate sub-teams submitted articles to All Together with updates on their work.  The first post in that series was an overview of the Annual Strategic Planning sub-team’s work, found here.

When we last checked in, we reported that our plan for the year was to review the Society Mission statement in lieu of development of a new Strategic Plan for the Society in order to move that critical work to a time when more resources would be available due to the pandemic.  While we have had many discussions regarding potential new language, the team was faced with several challenges which prevented us from finalizing a proposal to be put to a vote.  Potential updates to the Mission statement have taken us down a road that intersects with legal implications and updates to the Articles of Incorporation. Those items will take more time to properly review and evaluate.  Previously SWE had already expanded scholarship and awards criteria to include individuals that identify as women. Further expansion of these criteria will likely require an update to the Articles of Incorporation, which is subject to approval by the Board of Directors and SWE membership.

Additionally, while the work of the team did not result in an update to the Mission directly, several areas were identified for potential changes both directly for the Mission and also for the next Society Strategic Plan.  Wording changes were not able to be finalized, however the team recommends that equity concepts be included, not only directly in the phrase “diversity, equity, and inclusion” but should be considered throughout the development of new Strategic Goals and Objectives.  Additionally, the team found value in molding the mission to be one of fulfillment to best align with SWE’s messaging on success on your own terms.  Finally, two of the recommendations put forward by the previous FY20 Senate Diversity & Inclusion: Gender Inclusion Sub-Team were reaffirmed, including the use of consistent gender-inclusive language in the development of the next strategic plan and issuing updates to the Society Diversity Principals.

The team also recommended areas of future work for subsequent monitoring years, when a strategic plan is not under active development, including a review of the Society’s Strategic Planning process.

The sub-team was comprised of the following Senators, Directors, and other Society leaders:

  • Cecilia Breda, FY21 Senator
  • Stephanie Foege, FY21 Senator
  • Kerrie Greenfelder, FY21 Director
  • Karen Horting, SWE Executive Director
  • Rachel Morford, FY22 President
  • Karen Ramsey-Idem, FY21 Director
  • Lindsey Roberts McKenzie, FY21 Treasurer
  • Anna Sparks, FY21 Senator
  • Linda Thomas, FY21 Senator
  • Cassandra Zook, FY21 Senator

I’d like to thank the entire team I’ve had the privilege of working with. They are dedicated SWE leaders that care deeply about the Society and its success in the future.

More articles from the SWE Senate:

