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How to Utilize the Leadership Coaching Committee

How to Utilize the Leadership Coaching Committee -

The Leadership Coaching Committee (LCC) is a trained group of more than 70 experienced SWE members who work with section, Members at Large (MALs), and affiliate (global and US) leadership to develop and support SWE leaders at all levels.

SWE Leadership Coaches are available to share their SWE expertise via sessions, question answering, and helping your section thrive! Leadership Coaches provide support to SWE sections and affiliates at no cost! Please consider working with your coach throughout the year.

Many coaches are previous section and affiliate presidents and executive leadership. They have experience at the section/affiliate and societal level and receive training in everything that is needed to help a for a section/affiliate succeed.

An LCC coach is a truly valuable connection for SWE sections, but unfortunately many sections don’t make the most of their coach. A common question we get as coaches from our sections is – “How can you help us?” To answer that question, here are some ways you can utilize your LCC coach:

  1. Stay Engaged: This is the most important piece of advice. We as LCC coaches are excited and ready to help our sections/affiliates! We are in these roles because we are passionate about helping others. If you’ve been identified as a point of contact and an LCC coach reaches out to you, take the time to respond and get to know them. As you’ll find out in the following tips, there are some amazing resources that your coach can provide to you and your section/affiliate.
  2. Seek Help if You Are Struggling: We want every one of our sections/affiliates to succeed and are ready to provide a helping hand if you need some extra guidance. Whether it be issues like membership retention, funding, or leadership succession planning, we can provide our insight. Not only do we have resources that we can share, but many of us coaches have likely been in your shoes before, so we can provide our own advice from past experiences. So, if you need help or just another opinion, don’t hesitate to reach out to your LCC coach.
  3. Stay Up to Date with Societal SWE: Your LCC coach is also a liaison to societal SWE. We can keep you updated on upcoming deadlines you need to follow to remain in good standing. We can also share information about what’s going on with societal SWE and opportunities you could take advantage of. For example, did you know societal SWE has our own internal mentor network called “SWE Mentor Network”? Or that they give out tons of scholarships to SWE members every year? As your coach, we can let you know of these opportunities so you can share them with your members.
  4. Learn about Resources Available to You and Your Section/Affiliate: There are tons of resources available online with your Societal SWE membership. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about them or make use of them. Your LCC Coach can introduce you to these resources and talk about how you can use them for your section. One resource that is especially important is the Leadership Competency Model, which is a tool SWE leaders can use to understand what leadership competencies they currently excel in, and ones they could improve on. The Advanced Learning Center (ALC) can be used to assign various training to officers – there’s a plethora of professional development content available to complete on your own time.

The LCC coaches are eager and ready to help you – hopefully these tips give you a better idea of how you can make the most of us!

Contact the LCC at, or visit our website at 


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