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Rediscovering the SWE Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group

Each month throughout the year, we spotlight a SWE Affinity Group. This month, we are excited to highlight the SWE Members in Small Businesses AG.
SWE Members in Small Business Affinity Group

In today’s rapidly evolving world, women are making remarkable strides in the field of engineering, both by challenging stereotypes and breaking barriers. The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) has been at the forefront of this movement, providing support, resources, and a strong network for women engineers to thrive. However, it’s important to acknowledge that the personal work experiences of every woman engineer may not always be reflected in mainstream SWE programming.

If you work for a small company, such as a local engineering consultant solving problems in your community or a small specialty manufacturing business, you may have felt that your unique circumstances were not fully present within SWE. Perhaps you find yourself as the only technical woman in your firm, or you may be responsible for more than one focus area, or you do not have a big support team in the office; therefore, you face distinct challenges and opportunities. This is where the Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group comes in—a members-only community designed specifically for women engineers working in smaller organizations.

The goal of the Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group is to provide support and networking opportunities for SWE members who are employed by small businesses. It aims to be a valuable resource, offering information and feedback from the small business perspective to other SWE committees and groups. However, despite its potential, the group has faced challenges in gaining traction. There may have been confusion in the past between the Members in Small Business Affinity Group and the Entrepreneurs Affinity Group, leading to marketing issues and a lack of clarity.

We aim to untangle the confusion and present a compelling case for engaging with the Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group. By actively participating in this group, you have the power to unlock new opportunities for growth, collaboration, and personal development, and to drive SWE’s programs and services to be more inclusive of small business perspectives.

Engaging with the Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group offers a range of benefits. It provides a supportive community where you can connect with like-minded women engineers facing similar challenges and opportunities in small business settings. By sharing experiences and insights, you can learn from one another, gain valuable knowledge, and develop innovative solutions to common problems.

Engagement with the group also offers the chance to contribute to SWE’s mission of inclusivity. By sharing your unique perspectives and experiences as a small business employee, you can help shape SWE’s programs and services to be more inclusive and representative of the diverse range of women engineers. Your input can have a direct impact on ensuring that the needs and challenges faced by women in small businesses are addressed and that resources and support are tailored to their specific requirements.

In conclusion, the Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group within SWE presents an incredible opportunity for women engineers working in smaller organizations. By actively participating and engaging with the group, you can tap into a network of support, unlock new growth opportunities, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and contribute to the evolution of SWE’s programs and services to be more inclusive. Embrace this chance to make your voice heard, connect with others, and make a lasting impact within the field of engineering and small business.

We are actively recruiting leaders for the Members in Small Businesses Affinity Group. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to Stephanie DeCotiis (she/her) at and join our Facebook group.


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