The Military & Veterans Affinity Group’s mission is to foster a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive community for active military service members and veterans, along with family members, within SWE.
This Affinity Group (AG) will:
- Create educational and networking opportunities for veterans and military membership in the STEM fields
- Promote development opportunities for women veterans and military members in engineering across socio-economic strata and occupational focus
Learn more about military and veteran experiences through our SWE Diverse Podcast:
- SWE Diverse Podcast: Ep. 215: Inspiring Women in the U.S. Military with Major Melissa K. Bierma of the U.S. Space Force
- Diverse Episode 43: Military Spouses in STEM
The Military & Veterans AG has leadership positions open! If you are interested, please contact
Opt into the AG’s email list by logging into your member portal and updating your Communication Preferences.
SWE Blog provides up-to-date information and news about the Society and how our members are making a difference every day. You’ll find stories about SWE members, engineering, technology, and other STEM-related topics.
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