Video: I Am With SWE by Monica Bhagavan

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) can help you advance in your career and reach your fullest potential as a woman engineer.
Video: I Am With Swe By Monica Bhagavan

I Am With SWE by Monica Bhagavan

“My name is Monica Bhagavan. I’m a first year at Illinois Institute of Technology, and I’m studying biomedical engineering with a minor in pre-med.

I heard about SWE scholarships because I participated in some research competitions and I think they were there organizing it as well. I also heard about it from my high school counselor, and I applied through the program online and then I received the scholarship. And that’s how I was introduced to the organization.  I’m also in the organization at my university and we bring in a lot of speakers and they all have really important advice and they share their stories about community and career.

I am with SWE because at an institute where it’s a 70/30 ratio of males to females, SWE provides a community of women that empowers each other and encourages each other. More importantly I think SWE means to me the idea that women can achieve anything, even in STEM fields.

I Am With SWE and you should be too.”

Advance with SWE Personally and Professionally

The Society of Women Engineers is an organization 36,000 members strong, supporting women engineers across the globe with personal and professional development, and life-long connections. SWE can help you advance in your career and reach your fullest potential as a woman engineer.

Five ways you benefit as a member of SWE

1)     Being a female engineer in a room full of males can get lonely. With 36,000+ members, you’ll have the opportunity to expand your network of like-minded women; making connections and creating life-long friendships.

2)     SWE’s plethora of webinars, podcasts and educational events allow you to experience professional development tailored to your personal needs and career path. So, when it’s time to negotiate a promotion or transition into a leadership role, SWE has your back.

3)     With more than 400 professional and collegiate sections across the country, you’ll benefit from local SWE support right in your own backyard.

4)     SWE’s Career Center features engineering and technology corporations looking for qualified candidates like yourself – an easy way to transition and grow in your career.

5)     SWE’s robust K-12 Outreach resources for SWE members allow you to give back and be a role-model for the future generation of women engineers and technologists.  

K-12 Outreach resources for SWE members to explore more membership benefits and continue growing with SWE.


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