What You Need to Know About WE Local Salt Lake City

Basically, WE Local is a great way to network, promote your career development, increase outreach efforts, and learn how to become more involved in SWE!
What You Need To Know About We Local Salt Lake City

Co-written by Megan Buck and Mani Malatpure, Marketing Subcommittee Liaisons for the WE Local Salt Lake City Host Committee.

Here’s what you need to know about WE Local:

  1. WE Local is a scaled-down version of SWE’s Annual conference
  2. It is a two-day event that allows attendees and organizations to “Meet Locally. Learn Socially.”

Now, in particular, WE Local Salt Lake City will include:

  • 40+ professional development breakout sessions
  • 15+ organizations participating in a career fair
  • 3 keynote speakers
  • 2 social networking events (WE Local Celebration and Networking Breakfast)
  • 1 Collegiate Competition
  • 1 WE Achieve Awards Ceremony

Basically, WE Local is a great way to network, promote your career development, increase outreach efforts, and learn how to become more involved in SWE!

But WE Local does not come together overnight.

Three teams partner together over several months to orchestrate and promote the event:  SWE Headquarters, WE Local Advisory Board (LAB) and WE Local Host Committee (LHC).

The LHC has a chair and subcommittee liaisons/members; subcommittees include awards, collegiate competition, marketing, program (speakers), social, and sponsorship. There is also a floater role who contributes wherever needed to make WE Local a success.

Participation on the LHC requires time contribution, integrity, inclusivity and trust as well as the important role of adding local flavor!  Volunteering on the LHC provides the opportunity to build more leadership experience, time and project management skills, and grow your knowledge of working with diverse, multi-generational virtual teams.

Your Salt Lake City Host Committee is made up of a dynamic team of women from around the west and WE Local Headquarters Staff.  It is because of them WE Local Salt Lake City is possible, so we’d like you to meet the team!

WE Local Salt Lake City Local Host Committee members:

  • Wendy Merkley | Local Host Committee Chair | Company: Northrop Grumman | Huntsville, AL (formerly Layton, UT)
  • Ashlee Janczak | Awards Subcommittee
  • Elizabeth Litchfield | Program Subcommittee | Company: Kimberly-Clark | Ogden, UT
  • Alyssa Nelke | Program Subcommittee | School: University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT
  • Benita Gowker | Program Subcommittee
  • Kayla Cascarilla Rudeen | Collegiate Competition Subcommittee | School: Illinois Institute of Technology | Chicago, IL
  • Shandra Bates | Social Subcommittee
  • Jocelyne Denhof | Social Subcommittee
  • Katie Jones | Sponsor Subcommittee
  • Megan Buck | Marketing Subcommittee | Company: Schneider Electric | Seattle, WA
  • Mani Malatpure | Marketing Subcommittee | Company: Linde | Salt Lake City, UT
  • Vanessa Velasco | Senior Manager, Marketing and Events | WE Local HQ Section | Chicago, IL
  • Mackenzie Morgan | Senior Coordinator, Events | WE Local HQ Section | Chicago, IL
  • Tori Grove | Coordinator, Events | WE Local HQ Section | Chicago, IL

As the marketing liaisons, we are very excited to engage with other professional and collegiate engineering women in our area. We’ll be sharing posts on here (AllTogether) monthly and on the WE Local Salt Lake City Facebook events page – check back here (and there!) for updates. Let us know if you have any questions!

On behalf of the WE Local Salt Lake City Host Committee, we can confidently say that we are very much looking forward to coordinating and supporting WE Local Salt Lake City!


Megan Buck & Mani Malatpure
Marketing Liaisons
WE Local Salt Lake City Host Committee

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