2021 Collegiate Poster & Rapid Fire Competition Finalists Announced

The Society of Women Engineers is proud to announce the Annual Conference Poster and Rapid Fire student research competition finalists. These students were selected from a competitive applicant pool to present their research during these sessions.
2021 Collegiate Poster & Rapid Fire Competition Finalists Announced -

The Society of Women Engineers is proud to announce the Annual Collegiate Poster and Rapid Fire Competition student research competition finalists. These collegiate were selected from a competitive applicant pool to present their research during these sessions. The Poster portion is designed to emphasize the ability to deliver visual presentations, while the Rapid Fire portion is a 5-6 minute speaking presentation, designed to emphasize the ability to concisely and dynamically present technical information.

All SWE members who are interested are welcome to join the sessions and support student research. The presentations are quick, dynamic, and showcase cutting edge research.

Please join us for the following 2021 Student Research Competitions.

  • Monday, October 18:
    • Graduate Student Poster – 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST via Zoom Meeting
    •  Undergraduate Student Poster – 5:00 – 6:30 PM EST via Zoom Meeting
  • Tuesday, October 19:

These sessions are great for collegiate interested in research and design, graduate students looking to grow their network, professionals looking to recruit, or anyone with a curious mind. Each session will have Q&A portions to interact with students.

The following students will be presenting:

Graduate Student Poster Finalists

Katherine Fehr, University of Wisconsin Madison
A biomimetic approach to controlling semi-active prosthetic feet

Brittany  Schutrum, Cornell University
Engineered 3D Tissue Models to Study Breast Cancer Invasion

Yajie Liu, North Carolina State University
Assessment of UAS Photogrammetric Surveying Accuracy based on Flight Configuration Factors

Oluwadamilola Oke, The George Washington University
Characterizing the metabolite-microbiome associations between maternal breastmilk and infant health outcomes

Courtney Keiser, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Elucidating failure mechanisms of  lower extremity arterial stents

Raychel Bahnick, Rice University
Assessing Land Subsidence and Modeling Its Impact on Inland Flooding in Houston, TX

Keara Saud, University of Michigan
Effect of embedded active particles on the yield stress behavior of colloidal gels

Manali Zantye, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
An Optimization-based Framework for the Synergistic Integration of Renewables and Flexible Carbon Capture towards a Clean Energy Future

Zeynep  Ayla, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tuning the Electronic Properties of Catalytic Active Sites for Oxidations with H2O2

Flavia Zisi Tegou, University of Miami
Immunoengineered CCL21 and Beta Cell Antigen Hydrogel Platform to Induce Tolerance in Type 1 Diabetes

Undergraduate Student Poster Finalists

Claire Wu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Simulating the Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering of Realistic Multiblock Copolymer Morphologies

Katriana Johnson, University of South Florida
Bioprinting Circuits Using Conductive Electro-Spun Nanofibers

Lauren Campbell, University of Washington- Seattle
Sustainable and Scalable Synthesis of Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles for Next-Generation Battery Applications

Ashley Rosen, Duke University
HER: Hemorrhage Education Reimagined

Madeleine Pollack, Georgia Institute of Technology
The Implications of State Aggregation on Markov Decision Processes of Medical Treatment Decisions

Claire O’Neal, Auburn University
The Effect of Manually Modifying Gaynor Minden Pointe Shoes on Dancer Biomechanics

Mary Sevart, University of Kansas
Valorization of Residual Hemp Biomass Through Thermochemical Processing

Tina Sindwani, Arizona State University
33 Buckets Rainwater Harvesting System for Cusibamba, Peru

Meghan Sampson, Messiah University
Design of a 3D Printed Myoelectric Transradial Pediatric Prosthesis

Salma ly, Arizona State University
Novel PVA membranes functionalized with L-arginine for virus capture

Graduate Student Rapid Fire Finalists

Gayatri Pahapale, Johns Hopkins University
Interplay of Substrate Geometry and Stiffness in Directing Multicellular Organization in Microwells

Lael Wentland, Oregon State University
Electrochemical Sensing in Whole Human Saliva: Towards Personalized Drug Dosage Recommendations of Carbamazepine

Mireia Perera, Northeastern University
Assessment of the Effects of Smoke Exposure on Cardiopulmonary Function via Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Sakina Mohammed Mota, Texas A&M University
U-Net Based Image Segmentation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Kalie Knecht, UC Berkeley
3D Gamma-Ray Imaging around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Lily Baye-Wallace, Arizona State University
Development of a Soft Robotic Hip Exosuit (SR-HExo) for Assistance and Rehabilitation of Human Locomotion

Namita Raghuvanshi, Utah State University
Fitting Cell-based Biomechanical Models from Spatiotemporal Data: A Gradient Descent Approach

Rachel Chai, University of South Alabama
Constructed Wetlands in the Blackbelt of Alabama

Iva Milisavljevic, Alfred University
Growth of YAG single crystals using the novel solid-state single crystal growth method

Morgan Dalman, North Carolina State University
Anthropometric Scaling of a Generic Adult Model to Represent Pediatric Shoulder Strength

Undergraduate Student Rapid Fire Finalists

Liliana Figueroa, University of California, Davis
Olfactory Navigation for Robotic Systems: Review

Jessica Paulus, Messiah University
HIV Early Detection for Low Resource Areas

Yixiao Yue, University of California, Santa Barbara
Incentive Design for Congestion Games with Unincentivizable Users

Rebecca Shyu, University of Missouri – Columbia
Liver Cancer and Inequalities: A Data-Driven Approach

Rebecca Ashmore, Quinsigamond Community College
Pneumatic Actuator Control with Digital Valves

Jinbi Tian, George Washington University
Stretchable and Transparent Metal Nanowire Microelectrodes for Simultaneous Electrophysiology and Optogenetics Applications

Fiona Cai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Feature selection and prediction of treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cassidy Michaels, Arizona State University
Multimodal Biofeedback Increases Plantar Flexor Activity While Walking in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Manvi Saxena, Indiana University
Modeling Antennal Feedback in Insect Flight Behaviors

Kellie Phong, Arizona State University
Microaggressions in STEM Classrooms Hinder Student Performance in Academic and Professional Settings


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