Celebrate SWE Outreach: A Year In Review

We are pleased to announce the FY22 issue of Celebrate SWE Outreach: A Year in Review!
Celebrate SWE Outreach: A Year In Review -

Join us in commemorating all things outreach with the third annual issue of Celebrate SWE Outreach! For the FY22 fiscal year, the Special Publications Work Group revamped the Outreach and SWENext Committee pages to share everything our volunteers have been working on. You will find challenge winners, youth protection policy information, an Invent it. Build it. recap, SWENext initiatives, new webinars, event highlights, and more all in one place. On page 27, we interviewed Ritu Chakrawarty who is an exceptional role model. We hope you enjoy reading her story as much as we enjoyed writing it.

Now that in-person outreach is resuming after the past few years, we encourage you to read through the many resources other SWE members are taking advantage of. We can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

Read the Celebrate SWE Outreach: A Year in Review for FY22


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