Affinity Group Spotlight: SWE Entrepreneurs Affinity Group

Each month throughout the year, we'll be spotlighting a SWE Affinity Group. We are excited to highlight SWE's Entrepreneurs Affinity Group!
Entrepreneurs Affinity Group

SWE Entrepreneurs Affinity Group (SWE Entrepreneurs) is for SWE members involved in running a business or interested in starting a business. We have members who have been successfully involved in a business for a long time and have experience to share and also members who are dreaming of starting out on their own.

The goals of the SWE Entrepreneurs AG are to:

  1. Highlight the experiences of successful SWE member business owners
  2. Connect with other SWE members involved in entrepreneurship
  3. Provide support and education for SWE members interested in starting a business

Events Planned at WE23

  • Engineer to Entrepreneur: Case Studies in Business Ownership
    • Thursday, Oct. 26, from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT, Room LACC 304 A
    • Have you ever thought about becoming a consultant or starting your own business? Being your own boss comes with a lot of benefits: you decide what work you do, where you work, and who you work with. But it’s not all upside; business owners are responsible for tasks they don’t necessarily enjoy or excel at and ensuring a profitable business can be stressful. In this seminar, you’ll hear from SWE members who are engineers turned business owners. You’ll hear why they started their business, lessons they’ve learned, and they will answer your questions about entrepreneurship and business ownership.
  • Entrepreneurs Pitch Competition
    • Saturday, Oct. 28, from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT, Room LACC 304 A
    • SWE Entrepreneurs AG will be hosting a pitch competition at WE23. If you are attending, please consider pitching your business idea or signing up to be a judge. Everyone attending the conference is eligible to compete; you do not need to be a member of SWE Entrepreneurs AG or a business owner. If you would like to keep your business idea confidential, just let us know.
  • Affinity Group Open House
    • Friday, Oct. 27, from 3 – 5 p.m. PT, Room LACC 304 A
    • Come connect and learn more about the Entrepreneurs Affinity Group! This two-hour event features AG leads, members, potential new members, and our AG sponsors. Come enjoy delicious refreshments while you mingle!

Connect With SWE Entrepreneurs on the SWE Mentor Network:

  • Sign up for the Mentor Network
  • In your profile mark that you are interested in “Entrepreneurs Affinity Group”
  • Choose “Find a mentor” and select “Entrepreneurs Affinity Group” under Topics

Other Ways to Connect


Lead: Tricia Drake

Co-Leads: Melissa Branch and ​Joyann Hernandez

Newsletter Editor: Victoria Png

Open Positions

  • General Partner – Always needed to contribute their time for special projects
  • Social Media Coordinator – Posts information from the monthly newsletter to the Facebook group and approves membership requests
  • Virtual Meeting Host – Hosts 3-4 virtual meet-and-greet meetings per year

Apply for these positions using our Google Form.



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