The WE Call for Participation (CFP) process for Breakout Sessions (Listen & Learn Lectures, Engaged Exchange Panels, and Snap Sessions) is highly competitive. SWE receives more than 1,000 submissions each year! SWE solicits peer reviewers with subject matter expertise to grade proposals according to an established process and rubric.
Each proposal can receive up to 39 points. Sessions with an average score of 32 or higher move onto the final program design review, where approximately 250 exceptional sessions will be selected.
How can you maximize your chances of being selected? Follow these eight steps:
Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With the CFP Process
This CFP pertains specifically to Breakout Sessions at WE24 — Listen & Learn Lectures (30 minutes, 1-2 speakers), Engaged Exchange Panels (45 minutes, 3-5 presenters), and Snap Sessions (15 minutes, 1-2 speakers).
Very important: In order to maximize your chances of having your Breakout Session proposal selected for WE24, please thoroughly read the CFP Submission Guidelines in its entirety. This helpful document describes all necessary submission content. SWE accepts CFP submissions only through the Cadmium online submission portal. Please view this short tutorial video explaining how to submit a Breakout Session proposal in Cadmium. If, after reviewing the CFP Submission Guidelines PDF and the tutorial video, you still have questions on how to submit a Breakout Session proposal to the WE24 CFP, please contact
Important WE24 CFP Dates:
CFP Opens: Jan. 15, 2024
CFP Closes: Mar. 11, 2024
CFP Results Sent to Submitters: May 24, 2024
Speaker Acceptance Due: Jun. 17, 2024
WE24: Oct. 24-26, 2024
Please note: Keynote Speakers are selected through a distinct process – usually one year before the conference – which is totally separate from the CFP process. Please visit WE Local Keynotes to get a sense of Keynote presentations and the Keynote process at WE Conferences. Likewise, the Poster Competition process is entirely separate from the CFP process. Please visit WE Local Posters to get a sense of Poster content and the Poster process at WE Conferences.
Step 2: Use Your Resources
To further increase your chances of earning a high score on your Breakout Session proposal, please take the WE CFP micro-learning course to identify best practices to answer each question and view examples of answers that received high and low scores.
Step 3: Choose a Topic That Illustrates a Unique Perspective
SWE frequently receives multiple CFP Breakout Session Proposals on the same topic, so we recommend that submitters ensure their session has a unique perspective. If not, speakers may be asked to merge their session with another session on the same topic.
Step 4: Recognize Your Responsibilities for Speaking at the Conference
SWE will once again host a hybrid conference for WE24. The CFP process and deadlines were created to ensure that both in-person attendees in Chicago and virtual attendees receive quality programming.
All WE24 accepted speakers must submit a completed PowerPoint presentation, by Sep. 7, 2024.
Step 5: Take the Time to Plan Your Submission Outside of the Cadmium Platform to Avoid the #1 Session Complaint
The #1 complaint SWE receives about Breakout Sessions is that the presented content does not match the session description and learning objectives as stated in the conference schedule and app.
Taking the time to plan a high quality proposal and realistically deliverable session is a critical step in getting your session accepted and meeting the learning needs of WE24 attendees. Refer to the WE CFP micro-learning course for best practices and examples of writing effective titles, descriptions, and learning outcomes.
In order to avoid this top complaint of conference attendees, remember that attendees select sessions to attend based on title, description, and learning outcomes as submitted during the CFP process. There is no opportunity after submission for submitters to update their session content. This is because SWE takes the review process seriously and wants to ensure that presented content matches submitted content. Therefore, it is critical to finalize your session description and learning outcomes at the time of submission, so they accurately represent what you will present at WE24 if selected.
Step 6: Secure All Speakers
Speakers’ qualifications to present on the session topic represent 5 out of the 39 points (12.8%) of the scoring rubric, so it is critical to secure your speakers now to include in the CFP submission. Again, SWE takes the review process seriously and wants to ensure that a session’s actual speaker lineup on presentation day matches the submitted speaker lineup. For WE24, if any post-submission changes to speaker lineup are required, these will be possible ONLY through the Cadmium submission portal and ONLY during specified time windows during Summer 2024. NO speaker updates will be accepted by email for WE24.
Step 7: Invite a Trusted Colleague to Review Your Proposal Before Submission
Many experienced speakers have described the importance of having a trusted colleague review their session content prior to submission. SWE recommends that submitters share the WE24 CFP Guidelines with any such colleague reviewers, so they will be familiar with the expectations of the CFP process.
Step 8: Be Aware of and Adhere to the CFP Deadlines
Ensure your proposal, including the speaker list, is complete, finalized, and error-free. Submit your proposal through Cadmium no later than Monday, March 11, 2024, 11:59 p.m. US Central Time. After this deadline, no changes can be made to your session content.
Important WE24 CFP Dates:
CFP Opens: Jan. 15, 2024
CFP Closes: Mar. 11, 2024
CFP Results Sent to Submitters: May 24, 2024
Speaker Acceptance Due: Jun. 17, 2024
WE24: Oct. 24-26, 2024
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