Modern Networking in the Social Age

Learn modern networking skills on-the-go with SWE’s micro-learning video series.
Modern Networking in the Social Age - networking

Modern Networking In The Social AgeYou can never be too connected in the 21st century. SWE’s micro-learning video series can help you learn to develop professional relationships and set yourself up for success when networking in person and through social media.

Modern Networking in the Social Age, located in the Advance Learning Center, contains three short videos on how to develop your professional brand, leverage LinkedIn, and network both online and offline. Learn how to develop professional relationships that can help you discover job opportunities, client leads and trends in your industry.

By the end of this quick session (less that 20 minutes!), you should be able to:

  1. define and articulate your brand
  2. identify ways to leverage and maximize your LinkedIn as your personal website
  3. optimize your online profile to attract more views
  4. identify ways that social networks can help you continue networking after a professional conference

This course also offers free downloadable resources for your use, including a LinkedIn Profile Checklist.

This course is free for all SWE members. Learn valuable networking skills quickly and successfully on-the-go, plus so much more on SWE’s Advance Learning Center.

About the Modern Networking Speaker

Modern Networking in the Social Age NetworkingAlexandra Bowen is the Global Head of Social Media for OutSystems. She builds successful global campaigns – providing thought leadership, creative movements and brand storytelling within niche markets. She has managed big brand B2C social media accounts, such as Applebee’s (600k+ followers) as well as industry leading B2B accounts, online technical community forums (500,000+ members), am a published writer and speaker.

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